What to read next after you’ve finished Stone Blind

This month in the Ancient World Book Club we’ve been reading Natalie Haynes’ Stone Blind, a brilliant, thought-provoking, myth-weaving take on the story of Medusa, the ‘monstrous’ Gorgon whom the ‘heroic’ demi-god Perseus was tasked with beheading.

For those of you who couldn’t get enough of Medusa and her sisters (and, I suppose, Perseus!), I’ve gathered together a wee collection of other modern novels that deal with the same mythic subject.

Here, the World Entire, Anwen Kya Hayward (2018)

Here, the World Entire retells Medusa’s story from her own point-of-view.

Medusa, Jessie Burton (2021)

Available both in standard paperback and a deliciously illustrated hardback edition, Medusa retells the myths during conversations between Medusa and Perseus.

Medusa, Rosie Hewlett (2021)

Medusa retells Medusa’s story, from her birth to her death, from Medusa’s own point-of-view.

Athena’s Child, Hannah Lynn (2022)

Athena’s Child retells Medusa’s story from both Medusa and Perseus’s points-of-view.

Medusa, Martine Desjardins (2022)

Medusa is a rewrite of Medusa’s story, full of tragedy and body horror.

Medusa’s Sisters, Lauren J.A. Bear (2023)

Medusa’s Sisters retells the stories of Medusa and her Gorgon sisters, from Sthenno and Euryale’s points-of-view.

The Shadow of Perseus, Claire Heywood (2023)

The Shadow of Perseus retells the myths surrounding Perseus from the points-of-view of Danae, Medusa, and Andromeda.


Ancient World Book Club 2024 Reading List


January 2024: The Iliad reading guide